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5 holistic services for depression support

By Book holistic | 14.10.2024

Book holistic > 5 holistic services for depression support

As temperatures fall and sunshine becomes scarce, many experience a rise in depression and low energy. While some might feel a temporary winter blues, others face a daily struggle that diminishes their joy and hampers their daily lives.

We have picked and listed for you 5 services, designed to support those dealing with depression through various effective techniques.

Just a reminder: You deserve every bit of care and joy this season. Take wonderful care of yourself!

Wellness Support for Depression

Wellness Support for Depression

This session focuses on understanding and treating clinical depression through a detailed assessment of its causes and physical manifestations. Providing classical homeopathy prescription within one week to address these specific needs, aiming for holistic healing and improved well-being.

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Trauma Release Breathwork

This session focuses on understanding and treating clinical depression through a detailed assessment of its causes and physical manifestations. Providing classical homeopathy prescription within one week to address these specific needs, aiming for holistic healing and improved well-being.

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Psychlogische Beratung

In this session, we begin by empathetically discussing your concerns to clearly define the areas where you seek support, along with your goals, expectations, and needs. Leveraging a wide array of therapeutic methods

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 Acupuncture on Book holistic

Deep Acupuncture

This approach not only targets symptoms of depression but addresses the root causes by restoring the natural flow of Qi, enhancing overall well-being and vitality.

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The Body Remembers / Bodyworks

This bodywork session focuses on releasing stress and trauma stored in the psoas muscle through exercises that induce a natural trembling response, helping to activate and reset the nervous system.

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